John first noticed symptoms at twenty-six years old which was a difficulty in
At this time John was a strong guy who worked out at the gym three times
a week, he regularly put on gym weightlifters’ pants to protect his testicles during
heavy weight lifting. (On reflection John believes his original infection was caused by
using these dirty weightlifters’ pants as he was fully protected during any sexual
encounters around this time).
One year later he noticed problems getting an erection as well as a noticeably
decreased libido. He went to see a doctor in 2010 who said John had weak blood
flow in his penis but did not give a reason for it.
Due to his erection difficulties and reduced libido John’s psychology was getting
worse and worse. It affected his everyday behavior and he became depressed.
These heavy psychological symptoms also caused him stomach pains and further
John had become very depressed and his doctor prescribed him Ladose anti-
depressant pills which made his libido and sexual dysfunction even worse.
Nevertheless, John continued to take the Ladose anti-depressant tablets between
2014 and 2018.
In 2018, John went to see another doctor who said John had Chronic Pelvic Pain
syndrome as by now he was experiencing severe pain in his pelvis and back. John
wasn’t prescribed anything by this doctor so he went to the doctor in his local town,
who thought he may have an infection and prescribed some antibiotics. These
antibiotics did not really help or reduce symptoms.
In 2022, John visited one more doctor and took antibiotics for two more months. This
the doctor also tried to persuade John to do piezo shockwave treatment on his penis
which he did not want to do.
In January 2022 John came to visit Dr. Pavlos Georgiadis as his last hope to get
better. He is now undertaking daily prostate massages and is already starting to see
reduced symptoms and is feeling healthier.